Can I make changes to my renewal details?

Yes. When we email you about your renewal, you’ll have the option to check and edit your renewal details. 

Most changes you can manage yourself online. But there are some things you’ll need to do on live chat, with help from us. These include:

  • Adding or removing a driver
  • Adding or removing no claims protection
  • Editing your claims and convictions details 

If your policy is set to auto-renew, there are a couple of things you should know:

  • When you make changes, you’ll get a new quote to renew with those changes. Unless you buy this new quote, your policy will still automatically renew without your changes. 
  • If there’s less than seven days to go until your renewal date, you’ll need to contact us to make any changes.

Check your auto-renew settings


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We’re online between 9am and 6pm, Monday to Saturday.